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Ayurvedic Products
Benefits of Ayurveda: Why should you opt for an Ayurvedic treatment
Being a healing science, Ayurveda does not need to have any additional benefits for one to be curious about it. However, an Ayurvedic treatment has several benefits that give it an upper hand over any other healing system. Let us have a look at them:
Unlike conventional medicine, Ayurvedic treatment heals an individual on all levels of existence- body, mind and soul. An Ayurvedic practitioner can help you understand your own body constitution so you would know exactly what kind of diet and lifestyle is best for you. You’ll also be more aware of the ways to maintain an optimum balance between your mind and body. So, goodbye stress and anxiety.
Trisutra: The three basic objectives of Ayurveda
The most important aim of Ayurveda is to maintain a disease free state so that a person can enjoy optimal health. This falls under the category of prevention. In case of disease, various therapies and treatments are given for the management and alleviation of disease symptoms. To achieve both these objectives, Ayurveda uses the concept of trisutra. These include:
Hetu (cause): This comprises the etiological and causative factors, the presence or absence of which determines the health of an individual. The causative factors include sensory perceptions, intellect, elements etc and the etiological factors comprise of over or under-utilisation of substances or foods.
Linga (symptoms): Linga refers to symptoms of a disease or a health condition along with the traits that mark good health.
Aushadha (drug): Aushadha refers to the various measures that are employed to maintain health and prevent diseases. It also includes all the therapeutic measures used for disease management.
Disease prevention
Four different measures are used for disease prevention in Ayurveda. These are:
Dincharya: The day to day lifestyle and habits of an individual. This includes timely meals, proper rest, exercise/ yoga and avoiding overworking and stress.